By Joe Gibson
Part One of Three
In following the discourse on Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, I have noticed a startling lack of nuance. Apologists are motivated to say that every plot issue in the film is actually fine, and naysayers are motivated to say every merit of the film is actually bad. This movie has sizable flaws and also merits. We here at Plan9Crunch are devoted to cult films, often picking out the merits amongst a very flawed product, so we are uniquely suited to be able to explore this movie in all of its nuance. GxK is a malformed puppy, as Plan9Crunch coblogger Steve D Stones would say, and it is one I will cherish, defend and chide when appropriate. (Note: This is not a valid example of academic literary deconstruction. I am not reversing the binary by claiming the movie is better or worse than the standard reading; I am rejecting the good vs bad blanket statement binary that exists in regards to this film.)
A couple disclaimers before we begin. I
will be analyzing this film from the perspective of Kong and Suko being the primary
characters, Ilene Andrews, Jia, Bernie and Trapper being secondary characters
involved in a subplot, and Mikael, Hampton, the Iwi Queen and submarine and
Outpost One crews as tertiary characters. The reason this is important is
that these different levels of importance come with different obligations on
the film's part.
The primary character usually should be dynamic
and grow or regress along a determined arc (except in such cases where the lead
is deliberately static; the secondary cast must then learn those lessons from
the lead, such as in many adaptations of Jesus’ ministry). The secondary
cast should support the primary, reflecting their journey or at the least not
contradicting it. Many films have a variety of subplots. In a
classic Agatha Christie mystery, there will often be the main plot of solving
the murder as well as romantic and antagonistic subplots usually not involving
the lead investigators but the suspects. Internal consistency is
important but technically speaking not as crucial. Finally, tertiary
characters show up more as plot devices. We should not expect advanced
characterization for a cabby who serves only to deliver the leads to a location
(if their character or function has inconsistencies, it is the least important
but can still ripple out with larger problems elsewhere).
I will admit that the film is worse off if you consider Andrews the true lead; I have not heard arguments sufficient to come to that conclusion. This is not Godzilla vs Kong, where Nathan Lind is set up as an unlikely hero with the persistent arc of growing to respect and take responsibility for Kong until he risks his life to save Kong in the climax as well as being a foil to the main villain Walt Simmons in how they both treat their allies and rely on luck, with Kong not doing much until the second act (see my Godzilla vs Kong review on here: for more information).
Kong starts this movie demonstrating the
loneliness that will define it and takes the most active role in the most of
the movie's scenes. The film even employs a similar tactic in its
secondary characters to what Godzilla vs Kong did to muddle whether Madison or
Bernie was the protagonist of Team Godzilla: divvying up the focus in enough
scenes and giving the less important character the biggest climactic impact.
(In GvK, much of the focus is on Madison except recognizing Ren Serizawa as the
pilot of Mechagodzilla, which by all accounts she would except that the
filmmakers wanted Bernie's psionic exposition to be the focus of the scene, and
finally, it is Josh, not either of them that spills the drink on the control
panel, briefly stopping Mechagodzilla. Similarly, Bernie gets scenes in
the middle of Andrews’ where his reactions are emphasized, such as entering Hollow
Earth, witnessing the tree mimic and documenting the multiple gravity
manipulations, and it is Trapper that brings in the Vertacines, briefly
stopping Skar King and Shimo, not Andrews or Bernie).
The second disclaimer I want to give is that
Trapper, fan favorite as he is, is by no means the best character in the
film. People have been saying this because he is fun, but that is an
entirely subjective assessment. In terms of what we can show objectively
with film evidence, I hope to be able to demonstrate to you that his inclusion
and plot integration breaks the film's plot more than any other individual
character. The best character in this film, whoever it will be, would
have to either have the least amount of problems or most ambitious and successful
character writing. I have my own pick for that that I will reveal later.
The film begins in Hollow Earth, focused on
rather abnormal brightly colored crystals, to which nothing similar had ever
appeared in the previous film. This, as well as later oddities involving
crystals of various sizes and uses, convinced people that this was
foreshadowing for Spacegodzilla in a later film. The actual answer is
more mundane and should set audience expectations for the type of movie this
is. According to the film's audio commentary, the crystals made their way
in early on, meant to answer Elon Musk’s criticism of GvK wondering where the
Hollow Earth's light came from, but that part of the movie was cut.
Unlike GvK, which had extensive rewrites and reshoots, this movie is mostly how
Adam Wingard envisioned it, but with a lot of story considerations that the
crew eventually decided not to keep the explanations for. He admits that
in the commentary. Consequently, many of this film's contrivances will emerge
from removal of certain details or refusal to reedit scenes for logic over
spectacle in the third act when that was possible (We will get there
eventually). What remains within this film of the crystals is basically
just set dressing and two that intersect to form an X that actually are briefly
framed between Godzilla and Kong, the most innovative and pointless way for a
film to title drop that I have ever seen.
The film then shows us leafwings, a small green
birdlike monster introduced in Kong Skull Island and revealed in Godzilla vs
Kong to have red-skinned Hollow Earth variants. These, along with the
trees that resemble Kaiju film miniatures as well as the diversity of life big
and small in the Hollow Earth will help to show off the sense of scale the film
will otherwise miss set in the home of the giant monsters. There are also
instances where the film will handle Hollow Earth scaling poorly, and I will
point them out too, but the leafwings are a good example.
From there, we pan over to a large horde of Wartdogs
chasing a frantic Kong. Many stories begin with a small action set piece
that will grab the audience's attention but not overshadow later climactic
events. This is a good example of that: new monsters in extreme numbers
that Kong will only be able to evade through intellect that will foreshadow his
later problem solving skills. Kong leaps over a chasm, and the Wartdogs
follow him to the edge of a cliff, where he looks around nervously. On a
first watch, this is meant to put us into Kong’s shoes as he is out of his
depth and cornered. On a second watch, it can only mean that he is
cautiously checking his surroundings before launching into the next step of his
plan, but I would have preferred that deceptive look of worry not existing. He
activates a trap, an evolution of his character and intellect that makes sense
given that he was experimenting with luring enemies into traps at the end of
Godzilla and Kong’s Hong Kong showdown. The trap is very effective,
skewering and burying many of the Wartdogs. For what it is worth, the
vines connected to the log part of the trap are clearly visible in the
background when he is chased there.
Somehow, one Wartdog corpse made it to him, and
he gets the pack to drop the hunt by ripping it in half and spilling its blood
and guts all over himself. Adam Wingard in the audio commentary said that
the gory dispatch of that Wartdog was meant to set the tone of the film, and,
yet again, I think it does so for the wrong reason. I still have no idea
how the Wartdog got over there, and it is because it did that the sequence
ends. The scene would work without that display of spectacle because
there were only three or four surviving Wartdogs, but including that moment
weakens it slightly. Still there have been no substantial issues
yet. Everything is workable so far.
Kong, noticing he is covered in blood, goes off
to shower. It makes sense that he would do this, and it also makes sense
he would choose a home with running water given his habit of showering from the
beginning of Godzilla vs Kong. Finally, he sits down to eat his Wartdog,
when his left fang breaks. This will be very important in the larger
cause and effect of the film, so it is important that this detail holds
up. When his trap claims its first Wartdog, you can see some faint
discoloration around Kong’s tooth. The level of infection we see when
Trapper replaces the tooth could suggest a time skip that would mess with the
film’s cohesion, except that Kong is an animal eating whatever food it can
find, including dirty rabid Wartdogs, without the ability to brush his
Titanus Doug, scavenger as he is now that his
primary prey of spindly crab creatures are nowhere to be seen, steals Kong’s
kill, and they wrestle until Kong hears the call of his species. Kong
frantically and quickly goes to the source of the sound, only to find a parrot
frog, a spiny frog capable of replicating the sounds of larger predators.
Some have suggested this scene to be weak due to being too humorous, but the unexpected
nature of the parrot frog is not leveraged for a joke at Kong’s expense.
We immediately see Kong’s face tighten into a scowl and he sits down dejected,
sad and in pain. We do not leave his presence until after he groans
sadly. If the movie wanted us to laugh at him, then it did a terrible job
at it, especially given the abrupt nature of later physical gags such as Suko
tripping unexpectedly. I also wish to bring up that the parrot frog, as a
creature within this ecosystem, makes the most sense out of anything we have
seen thus far. An amphibian with such a convincing method for appearing
more powerful than it is seems like such an obvious thing for nature to select
for, and its inclusion strengthens the worldbuilding rather than weakening it
since this creature would not have been relevant before now but makes sense. This sequence is also a cold open, meaning
that the film has no obligation to further explore the parrot frog, even if
such scenes would be interesting.
One more thing to mention during this segment is
that Kong sports a scar on his back from where Godzilla grazed him with the
atomic breath in their Hong Kong battle. That is nice attention to detail
alongside the chest scar pattern updating in accordance to his other wounds.
As the credits sequence begins, Ilene Andrews
gives a press conference and a talk show interview, befitting the more
administrative and public relations role we see her in. A monitor shows
at least 24 Titan incidents happening that Godzilla have been stopping, with that
24th, a crab monster Scylla attacking Rome. People complain about
Godzilla’s aggression in this movie because they overlooked this title
sequence. Godzilla sensing Scylla is in line with previous movies, but he
is a bit too agile in their fight in such a way that renders his later
evolution into the skinnier and faster Godzilla Evolved irrelevant. As we
transition to Outpost One, we hear that the public is suspicious about one
Project Powerhouse. Project Powerhouse will be brought up again later very
abruptly and needs more setup; this is still better than nothing. The
Outpost One staff does not have much to their characters but quip and observe
the major plot points happening around them as effective exposition. It
is effective because their confusion and following of protocol feel realistic
for characters to say. Both the scene and these characters would make
less sense without the dialogue.
What they observe is a mysterious energy signal
coming from somewhere and Kong’s Wartdog trap collapsing into a sinkhole.
The former is complicated, but the latter is surprisingly simple: the sinkhole
is the inciting incident. As far as plot contrivances go, inciting
incidents usually get a pass due to one very important facet: they are not prolonging
a story illogically; they are the story. Godzilla x Kong The New Empire
is the story of what happens if passage for Kong in the subterranean realm
Monarch has set up a Hollow Earth Access Point
and Outpost at Barbados, where Andrews has to manage public relations, and
Director Hampton follows up on Outpost One’s report, telling Andrews of the
sensor array readings. Nobody knows what these are. We will later
learn that Monarch has recordings of these dating as far back as the 70s.
Jia is having difficulty fitting in, having
visions of events to come, withdrawing socially and generally worsening at
assimilating. As this film and the previous show, this would concern
Andrews a lot, since she adopted Jia very late and unexpectedly, learned Jia was
keeping secrets about communicating with Kong years into their relationship and
now Jia is spiraling out of control and neither one knows what to do.
This is sufficient stakes for a subplot and will mirror Kong’s arc since both
Kong and Jia will turn out not to be the last of their kind when that was
previously understood to be the case. The film will ironically more thoroughly
explore parental themes through Kong’s adoption of Suko as they slowly learn to
work together, but, again, that is why I view that as the main plot and this a
subplot. Andrews and Jia are already at a place of trust, as we see by
Andrews assuming her daughter’s drawings must be connected to the weird sensor
readings from earlier and easily being swayed into letting Jia come with her
into Hollow Earth later.
An ape destroys Outpost One, and where Outpost
One is in relation to the sinkhole is somewhat important. If it is nearby, the
ape could make that trip quickly before Kong notices. If not, there is a
sizable amount of time where the scouting group of apes could be locating
vortices, since we will eventually learn that is the apes’ goal, and there is
one close enough for Kong to get to, in fact the same one that leads to
Barbados. I think it is forgivable for a scouting party to be overly
cautious especially given the personalities of the apes involved that we will
later meet.
Andrews locates Bernie to ask for his help,
active here, but she will quickly become very passive and vulnerable to all of
Bernie’s demands. As aforementioned, Monarch has a lot of samples of the
radio interference that nobody at Monarch has been able to sort out, so she is
bringing them to Bernie. Given how Monarch was presented in the previous
films, specifically Godzilla King of the Monsters, with all of the thorough
scientists with special interests, they should have figured out the relatively
simple conclusion that Bernie comes to with the help of a discord chat: that
some active agent is making these identical signals at points of high
disturbance as a distress signal, an SOS. Andrews’ dialogue with Bernie
confirms her higher interorganizational status, second only to Hampton,
explaining why Hampton felt it necessary to inform her of the SOS signal in the
first place.
Godzilla has been napping in the Coliseum and awakens just as Kong reaches the surface to ask for help with his toothache. Monarch flies in independent contractor dentist Trapper Beasley on a company transportation vehicle the yellow M.U.L.E. where he lip syncs and replaces Kong’s tooth. This introduction, as well as half of his remaining scenes, comes off as incredibly cartoonish, but his subsequent conversation with Andrews is a more down to earth catch-up about where the two are in life now. The M.U.L.E. vehicle will pop up again in Hollow Earth by Outpost One, and knowing it is a Monarch vehicle helps smooth that over, but that information comes from the novelization and Blu-ray special features, not the film itself, which is an issue. Kong’s tooth replacement makes sense and helps to foreshadow that Monarch has considered prosthetics for him (Project Powerhouse) since the tooth exists. Godzilla taking a liking to the Coliseum fits with his previous home in Godzilla King of the Monsters, built by humans with an ancient aesthetic where people can observe him as he rests comfortably.
Hampton clears Andrews to make a survey team for
Hollow Earth with pilot Mikael, and Andrews will invite Trapper, Jia and Bernie
in rapid succession, none of those three people that should go down there and two
of which ones that actively strongarm her into it. From this point on,
Andrews will only follow other people’s leads, noticeably letting Trapper do
whatever wants, listening to Bernie’s explanation of the gravity manipulation,
and helping Jia with everything she does. She would be a poor
protagonist, but I honestly do not find her to be a protagonist, so it is fine.
Mikael is set up as a stern character, annoyed
by Bernie’s antics and subtly teased by Trapper, who he still seems to respect
based on Trapper’s competency in making Hollow Earth voyages, something Trapper
seems oddly familiar with since the biomimicry controls are in his seat.
This raises some timeline questions, since he and Andrews had reconnected in
the prior scene, but she is the only character we have seen reckless enough to
bring people down into the Hollow Earth just because they want to.
According to the novelization, there is 3 years between Godzilla vs Kong and
this, with the HEAVs being a previous model then for an unspecified amount of
time after. Conversely, given Trapper’s Titan dentistry, he would be
interested in the Hollow Earth fauna for his practice, as he calls out the
Vertacines with accurate information once they appear. Mikael thus far is
a consistent character despite his minimal role, who raises no such questions.
As Kong separates from the human characters,
Godzilla has attacked a French powerplant, absorbing the radiation spill.
Once again the exposition from Hampton and the nearby soldiers are things
people would realistically say in this situation, since this is an incredibly
concerning turn of events that people would want to understand. The
humans find Outpost One destroyed except for the Armory and M.U.L.E. vehicle,
and it is convenient that those were not destroyed, but that is revealed later
in the film, so there is no issue there yet, just an impending one. In
other news, Trapper has removed his jacket for no reason other than to
eventually get bitten by a mosquito. Kong returns home, sensing something
different. Wingard’s intent was to show Kong realizing that his house had
been ransacked, but he hears a noise anyways and goes to investigate with the
axe, so, unlike the crystals from the beginning of the film, the scene
translates smoothly even with the cut context. Kong investigates the
sinkhole, sliding down the glowing walls with his axe. People have
questioned why his axe glows once he reaches the bottom when there was no
Godzilla energy to stimulate it. The answer seems pretty easy. The
friction of sliding down the chasm would have provided an initial jolt, and
then the axe clearly reacts to blue crystal pillars at the base of the
sinkhole. Kong hears an ape cry and heads through a waterfall, crossing a
threshold into the subterranean realm, a Hollower Earth inside of Hollow Earth.
Per the three-act structure and hero's journey, crossing a threshold in the story should denote the end of act one, and act two will largely be about meeting allies and enemies, so I will count Kong entering the sinkhole as the end of act one, since he will next encounter Suko, his eventual ally and One-Eye, a persistent enemy. All in all, the issues that will plague this film later on have not set in yet, and this act fares well in regards to cause and effect in the plot as well as foreshadowing the characterization that will come. I am inclined, pending better arguments, to rate this part of the film an 8 out of 10.
We will release Part Two in three days.
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